
Chimney Sweep Cleaning & Maintenance Services

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    Chimney Sweep Cleaning & Maintenance Services

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      About Us:

      • With our extensive training and experience in this community, you can trust us to give you the best service at a great price. We take the time to inspect your chimney system and complete the job to your full satisfaction. Comfortable Air San Antonio have been in business for nearly a decade and are ready and willing to help you!
      • The experts at Comfortable Air are dedicated to serving the San Antonio TX area and offer a wide variety of cleaning services. We do it all from residential to commercial services.
      • We strive to have the best response times to situations and to offer the highest quality products at the best price. We believe we are superior in our field and would love the chance to prove this to you.


      1What is Included in the Chimney Cleaning Procces?
      The job of the chimney sweep is to remove soot, blockages and built-up creosote from your chimney liner, firebox, smoke chamber, and damper.
      2Why Should I get my Chimney Cleaned?
      This cleaning will help create a safer operation of your system during the heating system. It takes only a small accumulation of creosote glazing to create the potential for a chimney fire. Creosote is a highly flammable substance that builds up inside your chimney or liner as a result of burning wood.
      3How often should you have your chimney swept?
      Chimney Inspections should be scheduled once a year. To be sure that all of your systems are in working order and operating as they should, it is recommended that homeowners get an annual chimney inspection. Most homeowners opt to have a Chimney Cleaning done every year as well, especially if they use their fireplace on a regular basis. Other venting systems connected to furnaces and stoves should also be cleaned on a regular basis to maintain safer operation. Fireplace, stove, furnace, and heating appliance systems are important to your home and family's safety and not an area to neglect or cut corners on. Don’t risk the chance that an undiscovered defect could turn into an expensive repair or worse yet – a chimney fire.
      4When Do I Need A Chimney Inspection?
      If you haven’t had your chimney inspected in a year or more, if you are having any performance issues with your chimney, fireplace or heating system or if you have recently purchased the home you should schedule an inspection. Don’t wait – waiting almost always results in additional repairs, and unfortunately sometimes in property loss. Every year in the US homeowners loses over 200 million dollars as a result of continuing to use unsafe systems.
      5What is the Best Time to Clean my Chimney?
      Ideally, before the start of the burning season during the spring, summer or early fall is a great time to get your chimney inspection and / or chimney cleaning. Before you think about building a fire or starting up your furnace because the weather has changed, is the time to call your chimney sweep. Maybe you forgot the early cleaning before starting to use the fireplace, stove or furnace? Don’t wait until the fall, we can do your chimney cleaning or inspection any time of year.
      6False Claims of TLDR Membership
      Beware of air duct cleaning companies who claim to be TLDR members, but are not. Unfortunately, there are air duct cleaning companies that illegally use the TLDR logo or claim to be TLDR members when they are not. The best way to ensure that the company you hire is indeed a TLDR member is to look up the company in TLDR’s Find a Professional Directory or contact TLDR Headquarters to verify membership at https://www.tdlr.texas.gov
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      1What Is Included In The Chimney Cleaning Procces?
      The job of the chimney sweep is to remove soot, blockages and built-up creosote from your chimney liner, firebox, smoke chamber, and damper.
      2 Why Should I Get My Chimney Cleaned?
      This cleaning will help create a safer operation of your system during the heating system. It takes only a small accumulation of creosote glazing to create the potential for a chimney fire. Creosote is a highly flammable substance that builds up inside your chimney or liner as a result of burning wood.
      3How Often Should You Have Your Chimney Swept?
      Chimney Inspections should be scheduled once a year. To be sure that all of your systems are in working order and operating as they should, it is recommended that homeowners get an annual chimney inspection. Most homeowners opt to have a Chimney Cleaning done every year as well, especially if they use their fireplace on a regular basis. Other venting systems connected to furnaces and stoves should also be cleaned on a regular basis to maintain safer operation. Fireplace, stove, furnace, and heating appliance systems are important to your home and family's safety and not an area to neglect or cut corners on. Don’t risk the chance that an undiscovered defect could turn into an expensive repair or worse yet – a chimney fire.
      4When Do I Need A Chimney Inspection?
      If you haven’t had your chimney inspected in a year or more, if you are having any performance issues with your chimney, fireplace or heating system or if you have recently purchased the home you should schedule an inspection. Don’t wait – waiting almost always results in additional repairs, and unfortunately sometimes in property loss. Every year in the US homeowners loses over 200 million dollars as a result of continuing to use unsafe systems.
      5What Is The Best Time To Clean My Chimney?
      Ideally, before the start of the burning season during the spring, summer or early fall is a great time to get your chimney inspection and / or chimney cleaning. Before you think about building a fire or starting up your furnace because the weather has changed, is the time to call your chimney sweep. Maybe you forgot the early cleaning before starting to use the fireplace, stove or furnace? Don’t wait until the fall, we can do your chimney cleaning or inspection any time of year.
      6False Claims of TLDR Membership
      Beware of air duct cleaning companies who claim to be TLDR members, but are not. Unfortunately, there are air duct cleaning companies that illegally use the TLDR logo or claim to be TLDR members when they are not. The best way to ensure that the company you hire is indeed a TLDR member is to look up the company in TLDR’s Find a Professional Directory or contact TLDR Headquarters to verify membership at https://www.tdlr.texas.gov

      What Our Customers Say:

      K.F.& C.W.San Antonio, Texas.
      The professionalism of your employees began with Debbie in the office and continued with Tony and Joe, Their service was very good. They were prompt and on time. They were also courteous and did a thorough job. Their price was good too,
      will call them again for the chimney maintenance next time.
      S.B San Antonio, TX
      Incredibly professional, sanitized the chimney, great communicator, kept me posted throughout the job, left the site spotless. Came in right on time and cost estimate. We will be a repeat customer.

      What Our Customers Say:

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